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Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
As advertised, excellent communication!!
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
They don’t care. Literally emailed them a million times, asked for my id land that was it. Bad service
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
My question for hinge is, why don’t you have a better due process. Different people can lie about things, they need to do a better job in helping people who did absolutely nothing.
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
Anytime you reset your account, I’ve noticed that, there is a lot less activity during that time. Do you think the shadow ban people who create new accounts. I wonder
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
I never understood, how somebody can just report you, and then hinge can just ban you like that. It Hass to be some kind of way, so they can stop doing this to other people in the future. Who agrees?
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
I recently reinstalled Hinge and created a profile after deleting my last one over a year ago. All of my profile content was truthful, completely innocuous and in accordance with their terms of service. My photos and prompt responses were similar to my previous profile, which I had used for 2-3 years. I come from a small city and am very careful with my online footprint and behaviour - especially because I almost always come across people I know personally or professionally on these apps. A day after liking profiles and receiving a few matches on Hinge, I received a 'Your account has been removed.' ban notice out of nowhere. I had not yet messaged anyone on the platform. When I contacted Hinge support to appeal the ban, they explained: Upon investigation of your Hinge account, we've confirmed that your ban originated from one of the other dating apps in the Match Group portfolio. As such, we will be unable to overturn the ban decision. If you would like to appeal your ban status you will need to contact the other Match Group brand you previously had an account with (Tinder,, PlentyofFish, or OkCupid.) Please be sure to include any and all supporting evidence that you would like to have considered as part of your appeal. I've only ever used Tinder and OkCupid. I've never used or PlentyofFish. I contacted support for Tinder and OkCupid with my credentials, and both informed me that I had not been banned on either platform. I replied to Hinge support with this information (as well as screenshots of my correspondence with Tinder and OkCupid support), and they stonewalled me with a contemptuous copy and paste of their original reply. They would not tell me which specific Match Group brand had banned me. Has anyone else been in the same situation and achieved some resolution without going through the rigmarole of getting a new device, phone number, etc.? Alternatively, is there some kind of centralised Match Group customer support email I can contact about this? Rather annoyed by this, especially because I've spent a substantial amount of money on Match Group's services over the years, and I indirectly hold stock in Match Group, which is - unsurprisingly - dwindling in value.
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
I discovered that I have been banned both on Hinge and Tinder. This was a complete shock as I have always behaved respectfully on and off these apps, never engaging in sexual conversation or being rude or abusive. My profile information and my photos are "normal". What's more, I haven't been actively using the apps for the last month or so, I've had them installed on my phone but I haven't been swiping as I was dating someone and wanted to see where it went - if it became a relationship I would have deleted the apps, but it fizzled out so I went back on to see who else was out there. I lodged a formal appeal on Hinge but it was rejected with no explanation and they said it was permanent and final. Tinder does not have an appeal process, I contacted their help email but was told that and told 'sorry too bad' essentially. I've now asked both customer service teams to investigate if I was hacked, because my only remaining idea is someone logged on as me and send abusive messages or something (?!??) as there's no other explanation. I don't think it's likely they'll look further into this. Another possibility is that the person I was dating recently reported my account after we 'broke up', but we ended things amicably and from the month or so we've been hanging out it'd be really out of character for her to do this. If I can't regain access to my Hinge and Tinder profiles I'll be quite lost. I'm actually quite devastated by this. We rely so heavily on a few major dating apps, especially in this pandemic. Modern dating is hard enough WITH apps, dating without them seems almost impossible. Thankfully, I still have access to Bumble, probably because it's owned by a different company. Hopefully I can at least keep this account and rely solely on Bumble. But still, I found Hinge the best for dating. I've read posts where people change phone numbers, use VPNs and all sorts of tricks to get back on but it all seems like a lot of work and no guarantee of success because the apps have very smart programming to detect people they've banned. I have only ever used Tinder, Hinge and Bumble. Maybe it's time to try eHarmony, Plenty of Fish and other online dating sites? (edit: just found out POF and OKCupid are owned by Match Group which owns Tinder and Hinge, so they probably won't let me sign up anyway... sigh) Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do about it? Were you able to get back into your accounts or somehow start new ones? What was it like using other dating sites?
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
I was banned from Hinge unexpectedly and have since been trying to work around that. I tried: Buying a new phone Using a new number Using a new apple ID with a new card Starting the account at first with pictures of someone else before then -> Removing the EXIF data from all my pictures then editing the light settings so they're technically different pictures and using those and I still am shadowbanned from Hinge. I'm fairly decent looking and usually get about a match a day, so it's pretty obvious I'm shadowbanned. I'm also unable to purchase a premium membership. I thought I covered all my bases... the only thing I could think that I didn't do was use a VPN, though I wasn't sure if that was necessary. Has anyone found a workaround that works?
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
So I received an email this morning saying my account was permanently banned due to a violation of the terms of service. Now, I’m not the type to disrespect women or send nudes so I have no idea why I received this?! I tried creating a new Facebook in order to set up a new account to no avail. Any ideas as to how I can create a new profile? Thanks guys!
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
I work at a fairly large tech company in the engineering department, and I am at a loss for how Hinge was able to detect my new account. I did the hard reset to a T. Tell me where I fucked up? **Here is what I did:** *\*note: everything was done on a new wifi network + a VPN to be extra safe\** * Made a completely new Gmail and with it a completely new Apple ID (no relation to my real Gmail or Apple ID) * I obtained a completely new phone. Someone who is old (late 60s) and married gave me their super old iPhone to use (needless to say Hinge, Tinder or Bumble have never touched that thing) * I then used that person's REAL phone number to create a new account on that old phone. No Google Voice shit. * Hinge was downloaded on this fresh Apple ID which had a single payment method that had nothing to do with me. This older individual gave me their debit card to use. *Hinge is pretty useless without the premium subscription IMO* * I create my account without a hitch (new first name, no last name, different prompts, different birthday, etc.). * Before adding any photos, all 6 of my photos were opened in Photoshop and edited to add & remove pixels, add visual noise, alter colors, used the liquify filter to mess with a few parts and even slightly cropped each image. Every photo had its EXIF / metadata carefully stripped. * The account was successfully created, premium subscription added and the matches were rolling in + a few positive conversations. 1-2 hours later I pretend to buy some Roses to check and see if I am being shadow banned, and now I am getting the "Sorry, your transaction cannot... blah blah blah" dialog, confirming I have been shadowed banned. # Tell me where I messed up in this process? Extra context for those who want to read and are interested: * I didn't say anything controversial. I played it extremely, extremely safe and vanilla—i.e. there was no legitimate reason a match would report me in those 1-2 hours. Again, the 1 full convo I did have was positive * Finally, I will admit I am doing something a slightly shady. My gf and I are conventionally very attractive—not trying to lamely brag on the internet, its just true. We have used Hinge in the past to have multiple threesomes (along with other apps). Somewhere in the last year Hinge must have cracked down hard on couples joining their app. With this most recent attempt, my profile had 3 photos with **both of us** and 3 photos of me individually. The photos with both of us could have \~plausibly\~ been an ex, or a close friend, or hell even an adopted sister—plausible deniability. 2 out of 3 prompts were completely normal. 1 prompt *slightly* hinted at a threesome by simply saying: "\[Leave a comment if... \] you want to cross something off your bucket list 😎" - again, never said "our" bucket list, or cross it off with "us." Hell, I could have been talking about bungee jumping, or traveling the world together. Plausible deniability. * \^ based on the above, is that enough to warrant a ban? # My Theory My theory is there is an actual human looking at new accounts to see if the photos are the same as recently banned accounts—this can't be fully automated. My first, main, real account was banned a week ago for trying to find a third to join my gf and I. I successfully created a second account that lasted about 2 days. Now, my newest third account is banned in 1-2 hours. I have to assume I need completely different photos across the board. I will attempt a 4th account with fake male photos that look nothing like me and see how long it lasts. God knows I have plenty of real phone numbers, old iPads lying around, and unused credit cards.
Code Chimp
Mar 12, 2023
In General Discussion
I got banned on hinge. I need to get back on.

Code Chimp

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